Trådløst hjemmehøjttalersystem
Getting started with your Aura
Documents & Downloads
- Apple AirPlay
- Bluetooth
- Amplifier Power
- woofer – 30W; tweeter – 2 x 15W
- Power Consumption
- less than 0.5W (standby)
- Frequency Response
- 50 ~ 20kHz –6dB
- Signal-to-Noise Ratio
- 80dB
- Input Sensitivity/Impedance
- 250mV / >3k ohm
- Height (in)
- 10-7/8
- Height (mm)
- 276
- Width (in)
- 8-3/4
- Width (mm)
- 223
- Power Requirement
- 19V, 3A
Behold. A bold new era of sound, function and design.
Hvor kunst møder fortræffelig lyd. Harman Kardon Aura trådløse højttalersystem har en lyd, der er lige så fyldig og berigende, som dets udseende indikerer. Med dens 6 x 1,5" enheder til diskant og mellemtoner samt en 4,5" subwoofer, der leverer 360° lyd fra alle retninger, er Aura meget mere ydedygtig, end den eventuelt indikerer. Harman Kardon Aura, der er udstyret med førsteklasses materialer og funktioner – inklusiv indbygget Bluetooth® til at streame lyd fra dine Bluetooth®-enheder, Wi-Fi til Apple AirPlay- og DLNA-streaming på dit hjemmenetværk, leverer et udseende og en følelse som du vil være stolt af at fremvise i dit hjem. Fra det førsteklasses stofgitter til den gennemsigtige indkapsling - som lader dig kigge ind for at se subwooferen og dens oplysende LED - bliver dine egne forventninger ændret for altid. Anvend Harman Kardon Remote-app'en til at lede dig gennem en forenklet opsætning, hvilket giver dig fuld kontrol over dit trådløse Harman Kardon økosystem. Aura står alene i en verden fyldt med masser af højttalere, da den tydeligt demonstrerede og viser, at skønhed kan lyde lige så enestående, som det ser ud.
FAQs & How-Tos
Yes, when unit is on, press and hold Source and Power buttons for about 6-7 seconds.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
If you want to change Bluetooth source, you may have to reset the Bluetooth system in the AURA. To do this, hold your finger on the input selector field (circle with arrow pointing in) on the side of your AURA for at least 3 seconds. Now the previous source is deleted, and you can pair a new source and play from it.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
Yes, simply connect an AUX (phono) cable from TV to your AURA.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
Yes, no matter if Aura is in Sleep mode or Standby mode, an incoming Bluetooth signal will wake it up.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
Yes, The Harman Kardon Aura Studio 2 supports Harman Dual Sound. With this feature, you can connect 2 Dual Sound enabled speakers with eachother.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
Yes, When connected by Bluetooth from an iOS or Android device, pressing and holding the Bluetooth button for more than 2 seconds on the Aura Studio 2, the Voice Command will open ( iOS > Siri, Android > Google Now )Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
Yes, The Harman Kardon Aura Studio supports Social mode. With this feature, you can connect up to 3 mobile devices simultaneously by Bluetooth. The last device to start playback will take over.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
By pressing and holding the "Volume+" and "Bluetooth" button together for 5 seconds. A voice will say the version number.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
You can change the volume on the Harman Kardon Aura Studio 2 by either using the volume control ( indicated with the + and - ) on the front of the Aura Studio 2. Alternatively, when connected by Bluetooth from a mobile device, you can change the volume from the mobile device. There are 32 steps in the volumeWas this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
By pressing and holding the "Volume+" and "Handsfree" ( phone ) button together for 5 seconds. The Harman Kardon Aura Studio will power off, and is now reset back to factory defaults.Was this helpful? Thank you for your feedback!
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