Harman Kardon Citation 100 MKII

Harman Kardon Citation 100 MKII

Bring rich wireless sound to any space with the smart and compact Harman Kardon Citation 100 mkII. Its innovative features include AirPlay, Chromecast built-in and the Google Assistant.

Getting started with your Harman Kardon Citation 100 MKII

Getting started with your Harman Kardon Citation 100 MKII

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Citation 100
1 x 20mm diskant, 1 x 102mm bass
100-240V – 50/60Hz
Frekvensområde for Bluetooth-sender
2402 – 2,480MHz
Strøm for Bluetooth-sender
< 5 dBm
Modulasjon for Bluetooth-sender
Trådløst nettverk
802.11a/b/g/n/ac (2.4GHz/5GHz)
Frekvensområde for 2.4 G Wi-Fi-sender
2412 - 2472 MHz (2.4GHzISM Band, USA 11 kanaler, Europa og andre 13 kanaler)
2.4G Wi-Fi sendereffekt
< 20 dBm
2.4G Wi-Fi modulasjon
5G Wi-Fi sendereffekt
< 23 dBm
5G Wi-Fi modulasjon
Frekvensområde for 5G Wi-Fi-sender
5.15 - 5.35GHz, 5.470 - 5.725GHz, 5.725 - 5.825GHz
Støttede lydformater
HE-AAC, LC-AAC, MP3, Vorbis, WAV (LPCM), FLAC, Opus
Mål (B x H x D)
172 x 275 x 163 mm
2,7 kg (6lb)
Google, Google Play, Chromecast, Chromecast built-in, Google Home og andre relaterte merker og logoer er varemerker for Google Inc.:-
Chromecast built-in kan kreve abonnement(er).:-
Bluetooth® navn og logo er registrerte varemerker som eies av Bluetooth SIG, Inc. og all bruk av slike merker av HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated er lisensiert. Andre varemerker og varenavn tilhører de respektive eiere. Wi-Fi CERTIFIED-logoen er sertifiseringsmerker for Wi-Fi Alliance.:-
* Krever kompatibel enhet. Tilgjengelighet og ytelse for visse andre funksjoner og tjenester avhenger av tjeneste, enhet og nettverk og er kanskje ikke tilgjengelig i alle områder; abonnement(er) kan være nødvendig og ekstra vilkår, betingelser og/eller kostnader kan påløpe.:-
Funksjoner, spesifikasjoner og utseende kan endres uten varsel.:-

Beautiful Sound That Speaks To You

Opplev praktfull lyd som fyller rommet hvor som helst med Harman Kardon Citation 100 MKII. Den kompakte smart-høyttaleren er enkel å bruke og leverer perfekt, trådløs lyd hvor hen du går. Den har et sofistikert og stilrent design, mens neste generasjons funksjoner som AirPlay og innebygd Chromecast lar musikkelskere enkelt få tilgang til mer enn 300 strømmetjenester for musikk i HD-kvalitet. Google Assistant sørger for praktisk, handsfree og stemmestyrt kontroll rundt i hjemmet.

Harman Kardon Citation 100 MKII blander innovativ lyd til hjemmet med sofistikert design. Et førsteklasses materiale, en utmerket ullblanding laget av Kvadrat, sørger for at høyttaleren både er smussavstøtende og flammehemmende.
Harman Kardon Citation-serien er den første virkelig overlegne produktserien av sitt slag, med det aller nyeste og beste av lyd fra Harman Kardon, verdens fremste leverandør av HD-lyd i over 65 år.
Fyll hjemmet dit med ett enkelt lydspor, eller spill forskjellig musikk i hvert rom. Legg til flere Citation-høyttalere til ditt Harman Kardon Citation 100 MKII-system for å skape en fullstendig hjemmelyd opplevelse – enkelt kontrollert av deg fra nettbrettet eller smarttelefonen din.
Google Assistant sørger for praktisk stemmestyring av ditt trådløse Harman Kardon Citation-lydsystem. Still spørsmål og få svar, spill musikk, kontroller ditt smarthjem og håndter daglige utfordringer – alt ved bruk av din egen stemme.
Start musikken med din egen stemme – enkelt og greit. Ved å bruke stemmestyring kan du be Harmon Kardon Citation om å spille favorittsangene dine, og nyte HD-kvalitets musikkstrømming fra skyen.
Slapp av, få fornyet energi, utforsk. Harman Kardon Citation 100 MKII gir deg tilgang til mer enn 300 strømmetjenester for musikk via dens innebygde Chromecast. Gled deg over det du liker best av lydinnhold, internettradio og podcaster med fabelaktig HD-kvalitet.
Skap innholdsrik, utfordrende lyd som fyller rommet uten å komplisere. Match to Harman Kardon Citation 100 MKII-høyttalere i samme rom og skap luksuriøs, trådløs stereolyd – enkelt.
Inneha kontroll over hvordan du kobler deg til og hva du deler. Harman Kardon Citations mikrofoner er enkle å slå av og på, og gir deg den sikkerheten og det privatlivet du selv ønsker. Flerfargede LED-indikatorer lar deg raskt kontrollere mikrofonenes nåværende status.
Enkelt sørg for at funksjonene og tjenestene er oppdatert. Programvareoppdateringer og oppgraderinger lastes automatisk ned og installeres på systemet. Det har aldri vært enklere å opprettholde det nyeste innen hjemmelyd.
Med gratis-appen Google Home for iOS og Android, kan du enkelt konfigurere og administrere alle Harman Kardon Citation-høyttalerne dine. Alle høyttalere støtter både 2,4 GHz og 5 GHz Wi-Fi-tilkoblinger.
Harman Kardon Citation gjør det enkelt å strømme trådløs lyd fra smarttelefon eller nettbrett via Bluetooth®, slik at du kan gjøre avspilling fra internett til en gripende musikkopplevelse.
Oppdag nye artister og få tilgang til dine favorittspillelister fra Apple Music med AirPlay. Bruk appen på iPhone for å velge lydspor og sette stemningen hvor som helst i hjemmet.

FAQs & How-Tos

17 results
  • Getting started with the checklist

    • A Harman Kardon Citation device(s).ONE
    • Latest version of the Google Home app installed on your mobile device.GH app 
    • Latest version of the Google app  (Android only) installed on your mobile device
    • A Google Account (you can create one online via Google).
    • A mobile device with either iOS or Android support.
      • ​Must have iOS 10 or higher
      • Must have Android 5.0 and higher
      • There is no support for PC set up.
    • Your mobile device must support 5 GHz Wireless Network connection in order to set up our Harman Kardon Citation device. Note: Wireless Network with WPA2-Enterprise encryption is not supported.
    • An internet connection from your local ISP (Internet Service Provider).
    • Your Wireless Network must secured with WPA2 Encryption (Enterprise mode NOT supported). 
    • Availability and performance of certain features, services and applications are device- and network-dependent and may not be available in all areas; subscription(s) may be required, and additional terms, conditions and/or charges may apply.
    Once you have all requirement and what is needed then follow the video below that shows you how to install your device.

  • For Citation ONE, Citation 100, Citation Sub and Citation Surround, Press and hold the RESET button on the speaker for 5 seconds. For Citation 300, Citation 500, Citation Bar and Citation Tower, Press and hold the RESET button on the speaker for 5 seconds, or select the Factory Reset option in the touch screen settings menu.
  • Citation One and Citation 100

    1. Press the Bluetooth BT Cwe icon. Located on the top panel. On top panel BT
    2. Go to Settings icon-menuNEXTMake sure Bluetooth is  ON BT
    3. Find your Citation speaker and connect.
    1. You are now connected and ready to play music over Bluetooth, Enjoy!

    Citation 300, 500, Bar and Towers

    1. Swipe upFINGER on the display to find Bluetooth icon.
    2. Tap Citation OFFNEXTIcon will light up BT screen panelNEXTGo to Settings icon-menu NEXTMake sure Bluetooth is ON BT
    3. Find your Citation speaker.
             BT ON CONTING
    1. You are now connected and ready to play music over Bluetooth, Enjoy!
  • If you have two of the same model Google Assistant speakers, you can create a stereo speaker system.

    How to create a stereo pair...

    1. Open the Google Home appUser-added image
    2. Find the speaker you want to setup in stereo pair
    3. Find the speaker/room User-added image
    4. Tap on Settings User-added image
    5. Go to Sound Settings
    6. Find the Speaker pair
    7. You are now entering the setup page pair Tap User-added image
    8. Find your speaker under the Pair with list and tap.
    9. Move the speaker to be Left or Right side and press User-added image
      1. You can tap on Play sound to identify which speaker it is.
    10. Find a name for your Stereo pair User-added image
    11. It takes a minute to complete the setup.
    12. When the configuration is done it will say Ready READY
    13. Press Done
    You have now completed the setup and created a Stereo pair sound experience.

    NOTE 1:  This is only possible with two of the same speakers.  If they are not identical (Example: Citation 100 & Citation One), setting up a stereo pair will not be an option.

    NOTE 2: It is only possible to use Chromecast and Bluetooth in stereo, Airplay will be mono (and should be grouped in iOS Airplay menu.

    1. Daily Care instructions for Citation speakers fabric (wool) Daily care and immediate stain removal will ensure that your Harman/Kardon Citation wool upholstery will keep looking good for many years. Never use undiluted cleaning agents, bleaching agents, ammonia or soap intended for hard surfaces, as this may damage the fabric and Citation speaker itself! Many types of stain can be removed using warm water with a microfiber cloth (not too wet). Stain removal guide If you act quickly with any stains on your Citation device then it is not difficult to remove or avoid any spill/stains. Here is how to do it. First, soak up the liquid with an absorbent napkin or Microfiber cloth. For dried stains use a spoon to roughen the surface. To avoid the stain spreading further start from the edge of the stain working towards the middle. WARNING! Be careful when using solvents, because these could dissolve the upholstery material beneath. Regular and normal cleaning Vacuum frequently every week is the best way to keep the Harman/Kardon Citation fabric intact or use a varm wet Microfiber cloth. When using a vacuum cleaner, remember to set the power to half which is most appropriated to use for Citation devices (this will not harm the design or fabric). General information These tips are purely recommendations and cannot guarantee 100% stain removal on your Harman/Kardon Citation device. In all cases, we recommend contacting a professional cleaning company, particularly for bigger stains and for thorough cleaning the wool fabric and speaker. HARMAN do not have any recommended companies or partners to redirect any customers too. For furter information we advise visiting the fabric company called KVADRAT by clicking on these links below: https://kvadrat.dk/care-and-maintenance/upholsteries https://kvadrat.dk/download/media/download-section/relatedfiles/kvadrat-maintenance-manual-2016-uk.pdf There are a lot of information about the fabric we are using and you can contact them for further information.
    2. To use Chromecast, you must continue the setup in the Google Home app first.
      Configuring the speaker only with Apple WAC will not enable the Chromecast feature.
      For this to happen, you must sign-in with your Google account.

      You can quickly try out the Chromecast feature, and if you do not like it, reset your Citation or LINK speaker, and redo the configuration part on your Apple device.
    3. Close and restart the Google Home app, or restart your phone. Start the Google Home app again, and the speaker should now appear.
    4. The Checklist

      Let us walk-through a list of things needed to ensure every requirement is met.

      1. Check your mobile device if that is able to connect to same Wireless network.
      2. Make sure you are within range of your Wireless router.
      3. Check the Wireless signal on your mobile device, does it have a weak signal then move closer to the router.
      4. Try both Wireless network bands 2.4GHz and 5GHz in case one of them are failing.
        1. You will have longer range with 2.4GHz, but less performance and most of the times a crowded network (many devices are using 2.4GHz band).
        2. You will have less interference with 5GHz and higher performance, however, the range of the 5GHz network has shorter range.
      5. Try using a different mobile device, if you have one.
      6. Reboot your Wireless network router and your mobile device.
      Watch the video below for help with setting up your Google Assistant device.

      Wireless Network Extender

      Some houses or apartments can be too big for one Wireless network router to cover it all.
      Let's talk about the issues that might appear with an Extender network.

      1. Network Extenders that will help cover poor signal in your home, often results in poor connection and low speed performance.
      2. Often the Network Extender is a low budget device or not suited for having too many devices attached to it.
      3. Placement of the speaker is crucial as you can put it in a place where it could connect to either main Wireless router or the Extender, that will confuse Wireless network devices.
      4. To solve this issue, try move the speaker closer to main router or have fewer devices attached to your Wireless Extender.
      5. In addition, always use 5GHz connection between your Network extender and main router (best solution and performance).

      One Wireless Network Name (SSID)

      1. You may have set the Wireless Network SSID (Wi-Fi network name) to one big Wireless network (With a main router + Extender(s).
      2. If the speaker is within range of both Wireless networks (Main router & Extender) then it can get confused with which one to connect to.
      3. To solve this issue, using two different name for your extended network will help with the performance of the Speaker and Google Assistant request.


    5. The Checklist

      Let us walk-through a list of things needed to ensure every requirement is met.

      1. Check your mobile device if that is able to connect to same Wireless network.
      2. Make sure you are within range of your Wireless router.
      3. Check the Wireless signal on your mobile device, does it have a weak signal then move closer to the router.
      4. Try both Wireless network bands 2.4GHz and 5GHz in case one of them are failing.
        1. You will have longer range with 2.4GHz, but less performance and most of the times a crowded network (many devices are using 2.4GHz band).
        2. You will have less interference with 5GHz and higher performance, however, the range of the 5GHz network has shorter range.
      5. Try using a different mobile device, if you have one.
      6. Reboot your Wireless network router and your mobile device.
      Watch the video below for help with setting up your Google Assistant device.

      Wireless Network Extender

      Some houses or apartments can be too big for one Wireless network router to cover it all.
      Let's talk about the issues that might appear with an Extender network.

      1. Network Extenders that will help cover poor signal in your home, often results in poor connection and low speed performance.
      2. Often the Network Extender is a low budget device or not suited for having too many devices attached to it.
      3. Placement of the speaker is crucial as you can put it in a place where it could connect to either main Wireless router or the Extender, that will confuse Wireless network devices.
      4. To solve this issue, try move the speaker closer to main router or have fewer devices attached to your Wireless Extender.
      5. In addition, always use 5GHz connection between your Network extender and main router (best solution and performance).

      One Wireless Network Name (SSID)

      1. You may have set the Wireless Network SSID (Wi-Fi network name) to one big Wireless network (With a main router + Extender(s).
      2. If the Wireless speaker is within range of both Wireless networks (Main router & Extender) then it can get confused with which one to connect to.
      3. To solve this issue, using two different name for your extended network will help with the performance of the Wireless connected speaker and Google Assistant request.


    6. What you need first

      Make sure that the device is installed on your Wireless network, by ensuring these steps below:

      1. You have the most recent version of the Google Home app installed 
      2. Your Citation device is powered on
      3. Your Citation device is plugged into a wall outlet.
      4. The Citation device is located near your router 
      5. The white LED lights in front of the Citation device are blinking 
      6. If you are using an Apple iOS device, you need to turn on Bluetooth to installed the device.
        1. On your iOS device Home screen, tap Settings > Bluetooth 

        2. Make sure Bluetooth is on
        3. Return back to the Google Home app 
        4. Your Citation device should appear as "Set up this device"
      7. If you are using an Android device, you need to turn on Bluetooth and Location Services.
        1. On your Android device, tap Settings.
        2. Find Bluetooth settings > Make sure Bluetooth is on
        3. Tap Location Turn on location 
        4. Tap Settings Apps > Google Home app > Permissions.
        5. Next to "Location",  check the slider is on.
        6. Your Citation device should appear as "Set up this device" .
      If you are still having trouble discovering your Citation devices in the Google Home app, follow the steps below for further troubleshooting.


      Step 1. Reboot your Citation device 

      1. Disconnect the power cable from your Citation device 
      2. Reconnect power cable to your Citation device 

      Step 2. Force close and relaunch the Google Home app      

      1. From your Apple iOS device, do the following below:                   
        1. Press the Home button two times quickly. There will be a small preview of your recently used apps.      
        2. Select the app you want to close and swipe up towards the top of the screen.
        3. Launch the Google Home app again.        
      2. From your Android device, do the following below:              
        1. Launch the Recent Applications menu to see small previews of your recently used apps. The Recent Apps button, a square icon, should be accessible at nearly any time along the bottom of the screen along with the other buttons on the virtual task bar.
        2. Select the app you want to close and swipe left or tap the X.
        3. Launch the Google Home app again.

      Last thing to try​ 

      If you are still experiencing issues with your Citation device not connecting to your Wireless network, try the following:

      1. Try finding another mobile device to set up your Citation device, sometimes it can help connecting your speaker 

      2. Relocate your Citation device, or try to disable other Wireless network devices that might cause interference for your Citation device.

      3. Perform a factory reset of your device, by holding down the reset button for more than 5 seconds.
      4. Reboot your Wireless router           
      5. Lastly, try turning Wi-Fi off and then back on again on your mobile device. Reopen your Google Home app and try again.
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